
Facebook messenger private chat
Facebook messenger private chat

facebook messenger private chat

Trouncing second place with 106 million users to Snapchat’s 46 million. In the US, where WhatsApp isn’t as popular, Facebook Messenger is the number one mobile messenger. That just shows you the reach of Facebook and how convenience drives Facebook Messenger. That means that of the 1.8 billion active users on Facebook, 72% of them are active users of Facebook Messenger as well. WhatsApp has two billion monthly active users, whereas Facebook Messenger manages 1.3 billion. Only behind another Facebook product, WhatsApp. This reason is in huge part why Facebook Messenger is the second most popular mobile messenger in the world. There is no faffing about with a mobile number like with WhatsApp, and there is no need to create a new account and install a new app just to talk to family and friends. And with already there being 2.7 billion people with a Facebook account, why bother using another service when Facebook Messenger is already there. There are alternatives, and they are BETTER!Ĭonvenience is key when it comes to services.Facebook Messenger data harvesting and tracking.

facebook messenger private chat

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Facebook messenger private chat