
Winamp pro cost
Winamp pro cost

winamp pro cost

After a user a certain link on the navigation bar, they still have to search all over the website for a particular item/product of their choice. Products are not well map with the navigation bar. Which would suggest to a user that they must click on it to get a specific For example there is no icon that is designed like a button Website where users can look at and know what it should perform withoutĮxperiment with it. Learning and adapting to this particular shopping environment.Ĩ-9: showing an example of non-consistency on the website īreaches the affordance designing principle. Shopping at this website difficult since users will take a longer time to

winamp pro cost

Text used on website varies throughout the body. Of its page is outlined in a different fashion. Violates the consistency designing principle. Various types of products which are originated from Hawaii. Winamp provides a help command which allows users to look up the informationĪbout the application and to search for instructions when they want to know howĬhoose the website “” which is an e-commerce website. Users to click, the simple and easy to read navigation links display a dropĭown menu, and the menu options (File, Play, Options, View and Help) to display The rewind, play, pause, stop and fast forward buttons afford The design allows the user to know exactly how to interact with theĪpplication. 6-7: showing consistent menu options for both “file & play” along with aĬonventional design and other function features have very easy to understand

Winamp pro cost